Print and online publishing
Working hands on or remotely, we can produce quality magazines and books, from design concept right through to printer, online flip book or epub.
Below is a sampling of publications designed and produced for regular or recent clients: Australia's Nobel Laureates, Boundless Plains to Share and The Australian Farmer for One Mandate Group, W'SUP for The University of Western Sydney, Oxford Magazine, Agricultural Appointments, A Good Yarn for Knitters' Guild NSW, Australian Stamps Professional and less recently - MyChild Magazine.
+700 page A4 printed book and also produced for flipbook.
Quarterly members magazine
Quartlerly - Print magazine
Bi-monthly print magazine - Newsstand and subscription.
Vol II - Digital interactive and Printed book
Digital Book
Monthly - Digital magazine (not current)
Print book and journal style publication
Monthly Brisbane community magazine
Print and online publications
Volume I - Digital interactive magazine
Print Childrens Book